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Occupational Therapy Quotes

Occupational Therapy Quotes

1. Alcoholism and drug addiction, so often portrayed as without cure, can indeed be ended with high- dose nutrient therapy. – Abram Hoffer

2. Physical Therapy and community Services, presents the role of the physical therapist as a servant-leader toward the sick, poor, and impaired. – Stephen J. Carp

best occupational therapy quotes

3. Successful drug therapy without specific efforts aimed at alcohol can result in a decreased use of alcohol over time. – Marc A. Schuckit

4. Like physical therapy, occupational therapy often includes physical movement, such a stretching and relaxing.– Marcia Amidon Lusted

5. Being a physical or occupational therapy aide does not require higher education, only a high school diploma. – Marcia Amidon Lusted

6. Physical therapy has often called ‘the cornerstone of rehabilitation’ because the long road back injury or disease begins with physical therapy treatments to relieve pain and restore function. – Bernice R. Krumhansl

7. You must not fear or resent touching or being touched because physical therapy requires a great deal of close personal contact. – Bernice R. Krumhansl

positive occupational therapy quotes

8. Before physical therapists complete their training education, they will have gone through clinical training in a variety of settings, including hospitals, nursing homes, clinics, and schools. – Teppo Harasymiw

9. As patients weaken, it may become necessary for physical therapist to manipulate limbs to prevent loss of mobility. – Teppo Harasymiw

10. Physical therapists should have strong interpersonal skills in order to be able to educate patients about their physical therapy treatments. – Dennis V. Damp

11. Physical therapists also should be compassionate and possess a desire to help patients. – Dennis V. Damp

12. A physical therapist will never become wealthy. You will never become famous. You will however, live life as a completed person because of the unique opportunity to serve others as a physical therapist. – Stephen J. Carp

13. Occupational therapy practitioners know that hope still glimmers in the darkest hour. – Anonymous

14. Massage therapy has been shown to relieve depression, especially in people who have chronic fatigue syndrome; other studies also suggest benefit for other populations. – Andrew Weil

15. A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. – Winston S. Churchill

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16. Therapists need to have a long experience in personal therapy to see what it’s like to be on the other side of the couch and see what they find helpful or not helpful. – Irvin D. Yalom

17.Therapy can help you grow. Fears will just disappear.– Stephanie Mills

18. The overarching goal of occupation therapy is simple: Help patients live life to the fullest. – Holly Goodman

19. Some seek the comfort of their therapist’s office, other head to the corner pub and dive into a pint, but I chose running as my therapy. – Dean Karnazes

20.I’ve realized therapy is incredibly therapeutic. – Lisa Schroeder

21.The role of the therapist is to reflect the being/accepting self that was never allowed to be in the borderline. – Michael Adzema
Therapy happens to be very beneficial. I’ve been going for 20 years. – Howard Meyers

22. Well, I don’t consider therapy overreacting, I just think it’s good parenting. – Rob Lotterstein

23. Psychoanalysis is that mental illness for which it regards itself as therapy. – Jamie Moyer

famous occupational therapy quotes

24. The best therapy is actually the more aggressive kind when they break you open; they unleash you. – Cara Delevingne

25. Therapy is like telling your nightmares when you’re a kid; they lose their power to hurt and control. – Beth Orton

26. Therapy is extremely expensive. Popping bubble wrap is radically cheap. – Jimmy Buffett

27. Therapy is the boat across the river, but most don’t want to get off. Don’t blame, forgive, All healing is self-healing. – Albert Schweitzer

28. When drug therapies do not work, we have to look for alternative approaches. – Darren Star

29. I thought therapy was called ‘the talking cure’. – Fred Barron

30. Therapy doesn’t work when you have to lie about everything. – Jonathan Nolan

31. If I’m going to absorb all that negativity then I should be allowed to experience the good stuff as well. So I went to therapy and learnt how to do it. – Hans-Günther Brüske

32. You’re a gem. There’s gotta be something to this therapy stuff. – Jerry Siegel

33. So, Dale. I don’t know how much you know about therapy, but it usually starts by you telling me a little something about yourself.– Will Ferrell

34. Have you ever thought about getting therapy and maybe realising how brainwashed you are by multiculturalism?– Louis Theroux

mental health occupational therapy quotes

35. I hate to break this to you, Sarah, but what you’re doing here now is not undergoing therapy.– Michael Brandt

36. Nobody talks about the Therapy outside the Therapy. – Garrard Conley

37.Nature is my therapy.– Fracisco Matias

38. Procedures designed to assist favorable changes in personality or in living that will outlast the session itself. – Judith Aron Rubin

39. Anything that is to be called art therapy must genuinely partake of both art and therapy. -– Elinor Ulman

40. Physical therapy has taken a greater role in providing examination and interventions in the acute care and critical care settings.- Daniel Joseph Malone

41. Fitness and fitness wellness global outcomes are the cumulative effects that physical therapy has upon the fitness and fitness wellness of the patient/client. – Sharon Elayne Fair

42. Physical Therapist Practice are certainly helpful for a patient/client who presents with impaired body composition and body composition wellness. – Sharon Elayne Fair

43. Successful drug therapy without specific efforts aimed at alcohol can result in a decreased use of alcohol over time.– Rosalinda T. Lagua

44. The prevalence of alcohol misuse is higher in drug treatment dropouts than it is in those who stay with therapy.– Marc A. Schuckit

45. Occupational therapy with children often incorporates toys and play activities. – Marcia Amidon Lusted


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