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Top 15 King George III Famous Quotes

King George III was the third monarch of the United Kingdom and is most famous for his long reign and losing the American colonies. King George III was the King of Great Britain and Ireland during the American Revolution. He is well known for his quotes, many of which are still famous today. Here are some of the most King George III famous quotes.

Top 15 King George III Famous Quotes

1.“Once vigorous measures appear to be the only means left of bringing the Americans to a due submission to the mother country, the colonies will submit.”  —George III of the United Kingdom

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2. “A traitor is everyone who does not agree with me.” —George III of the United Kingdom

3. “Was there ever such thing as great Shakespeare? Only one must not say so! But what think you — what — was there not sad stuff?” —George III of the United Kingdom

4. “It is essential to our interest and the security of our colonies that the several nations or tribes of Indians… who live under our protection, should not be molested or disturbed.” —George III of the United Kingdom

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5. “We are determined to listen to nothing from the illegal congress” —George III of the United Kingdom

6. “If he does that, he will be the greatest man in the world.” —George III of the United Kingdom

king george iii famous quotes

7. “Knavery seems to be so much a the striking feature of its inhabitants that it may not in the end be an evil that they will become aliens to this kingdom.” —George III of the United Kingdom

8. “I can never suppose this country so far lost to all ideas of self-importance as to be willing to grant America independence; if that could ever be adopted I shall despair of this country being ever preserved from a state of inferiority and consequently falling into a very low class among the European States” —George III of the United Kingdom

9. “Nothing worth noting.” —George III of the United Kingdom

10. “Mad, is he? Then I hope that he will bite some of my other generals!” —George III of the United Kingdom

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11. “Born and educated in this country, I glory in the name of Briton.” —George III of the United Kingdom

12. “If he does that, he will be the greatest man in the world.” —George III of the United Kingdom

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13. “I spend money on war because it is necessary, but to spend it on science, that is pleasant to me. This object costs no tears; it is an honour to humanity” George III of the United Kingdom“The die is now cast; the colonies must either submit or triumph…. we must not retreat.” —George III of the United Kingdom

14. “The die is now cast; the colonies must either submit or triumph…. we must not retreat.”—George III of the United Kingdom

15. “Lord Chancellor, did I deliver the speech well? I am glad of that, for there was nothing in it.” —George III of the United Kingdom

“Six hours of sleep is enough for a man, seven for a woman, and eight for a fool.” —George III of the United Kingdom

Finally, King George III was a very famous and well-loved king. He was known for his many quotes, some of which are still famous today. He was a great king and will always be remembered.

King George III Biography

Who was King George ?

King George III was the King of Great Britain and Ireland from 1760 until his death in 1820. He was also the Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg and a prince-elector of the Holy Roman Empire from 1763 until his deposition in 1765. George III is most famous for his rule during the American Revolution, when he attempted to keep the colonies under British control. He is also remembered for his mental health problems, which led to him being declared unfit to rule in 1811 and resulted in his son, George IV, taking over as regent.

George III was born on June 4, 1738, in London, England. He was the eldest son of Frederick Lewis, Prince of Wales, and Augusta of Saxe-Gotha. As a child, George was educated by private tutors and spent much time with his grandparents.

Early life:

George III was born in London on June 4, 1738. He was the eldest son of Frederick, Prince of Wales and Augusta of Saxe-Gotha. As a child, George was educated by some of the best tutors in Europe and developed a love for learning. He also enjoyed horseback riding and hunting.

George’s father died when he was 12 years old, making him heir to the throne. He became king at the age of 22 after his grandfather, George II, passed away. George III married Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz in 1761 and they had 15 children together.

During his reign, George III faced many challenges including the American Revolution and the loss of his 13 colonies. He also dealt with financial difficulties and mental illness towards the end of his life.

George became King at the age of 22.

As King George became king at the age of 22, he was very excited to finally be able to rule his own country. He was quoted as saying, “I am now monarch of all I survey.” He truly believed that he was the best ruler for England and would do anything to make sure his subjects were happy.

King George III was a strong leader and did everything in his power to make England a great country. Unfortunately, his reign was not without problems. In 1776, the American colonies declared their independence from England and started the Revolutionary War. King George III was very saddened by this turn of events, but he remained determined to keep England united and strong.

Despite the challenges he faced during his reign, King George III is remembered as one of the most successful kings in English history.

Later life:

George went through a period of mental illness in his later years. In his later years, King George III went through a period of mental illness. He was treated for this illness with various medications and therapies, but it eventually resulted in his death. Despite his mental illness, George III was still able to accomplish many things during his lifetime. He was a great king and will always be remembered for his many accomplishments.

Death and Legacy:

George III died on January 29, 1820, and is buried in Windsor Castle. He was a controversial figure in his time, but is now remembered as one of the most important kings in British history. George III was the longest-reigning monarch in British history up to that point, and his reign saw some of the most momentous events in the country’s history. He is famous for his quotes, many of which are still relevant today. Some of his famous quotes are still memorable

“I am not worried about my legacy. I will leave that to history.”

“My legacy will be what I have done for my people.”

“I would rather be remembered as a good king than a great one.”


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