HomeFeelings Quotes50 Top Popular - It Is What It Is Quotes

50 Top Popular – It Is What It Is Quotes

It Is What It Is Quotes:

1. Not everything happens when you expect it; it is what it is. The people who ride with you, ride with you. —Kali Uchis

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2. It is what it is, it is what you make it. —James Durbin

3. I’m not sure what the future holds but I do know that I’m going to be positive and not wake up feeling desperate. As my dad said ‘Nic, it is what it is, it’s not what it should have been, not what it could have been, it is what it is.’ —Nicole Kidman

4. One door shuts, and another one opens, and you just kind of follow that path. My path has been a little curvy, but it is what it is. It’s all good. —John Corabi

5. It is what it is, and it ain’t nothin’ else… Everything is clearly, openly, plainly delivered. —Dan Flavin

6. I am happy to be the son of the greatest F1 racer of all time. I’m happy that he is the greatest F1 racer of all time, and I admire him for that. And even if sometimes it can be a bit difficult, it is what it is. There are good sides to it, and there are bad sides. —Mick Schumacher

7. You get to the point where you’re like, ‘I’m just doing me, and if people don’t like it, then it is what it is.’ —Bebe Rexha

8. You get to the point where you’re like, ‘I’m just doing me, and if people don’t like it, then it is what it is.’ —Bebe Rexha

9. The streets made me. They stay at me. There’s nothing that’s gonna take away from my legacy. I’m sorry. It is what it is. I’m dying this way. With the crown on my head, nobody can take nothing away from me. It is what it is. I am who I am. Bottom line. —Lil’ Kim

We dream of a world that we need. We expect that our surroundings will be according to our needs and every incident will help me to get my goal. But you know everything is controlled by the almighty and he has his own way of controlling everything. He knows when to do and what to do. That’s why every time we don’t get what we expect. Everything has its own system and it will continue following its own system.

This uncontrolled nature of everything is called in a simple way “it is what it is”. That means we cannot change everything according to our needs rather it will continue happening according to its own rule and own necessity. There are a lot of famous quotes about “it is what it is”. These quotes teach us very good teachings. That’s why it is what it is quotes are so famous among the people.

10. Every song that is a Hopsin song, I 100 percent made it. Nobody helped me. There was no producer to say, ‘Hey, put the beat like this… ‘ It was all me. If the song was wack, then the song was wack. If it’s dope, it is what it is. —Hopsin

11. I once said that I never wanted to be a good guy or the ‘baby face,’ as we call it in the wrestling business. But you know, it is what it is, and I’ll be whatever they want me to be. At the end of the day, we work for the WWE fans. —Alberto Del Rio

12. I’m just not into trying to convince people like me. I always say to myself, ‘It is what it is.’ I walk into a situation knowing that people are either going to love me or they’re not, and that’s OK. I’m just going to be me. You can’t be everything to everyone. —NeNe Leakes

13. I’m really pretty ridiculous about how much I work on my music, and I don’t look at it as necessarily a good quality. I look at it as a side effect of my apparent insanity. It is what it is, man. —El-P

14. Boxing’s a poor man’s sport. We can’t afford to play golf or tennis. It is what it is. It’s kept so many kids off the street. It kept me off the street. —Sugar Ray Leonard

15. I’m living with every step. I can’t live with regret. The past is the past. I’m not worried about it. I can’t change it. I can’t fix it. It is what it is. I’m just living. —Ryan Sheckler

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16. I was born on a full moon. Both my children were born on full moons, too. Some people say that’s scary. It is what it is, man, I don’t be trippin’. I couldn’t tell God when I wanted to be born. —Kevin Gates

17. Not everybody wants be texting their 15-year-old asking how his math tutor was. They would rather be home looking at how the math tutor was today. But it is what it is. — Renee James

18. You gotta start somewhere. It is what it is. People listen to Soundcloud more than the radio. So why would you put your music on the radio first? —Lil Skies

19. Not everybody wants be texting their 15-year-old asking how his math tutor was. They would rather be home looking at how the math tutor was today. But it is what it is. —Renee James

20. The aim of all commentary on art now should be to make works of art – and, by analogy, our own experience – more, rather than less, real to us. The function of criticism should be to show how it is what it is, even that it is what it is, rather than to show what it means. —Susan Sontag

21. I curate my life in a way. It’s always playing on my mind, kind of a love-hate relationship. I’m not one of those people who’s, like, ‘I wish Facebook wasn’t around,’ because, you know, it is what it is. —Lorde

22. You get hate in this business growing up. When you’re a young performer, you just don’t get the credit for the work that you did. And it is what it is. You can’t walk around with a chip on your shoulder. —Jaleel White

23. When you’re recording to analog tape, it captures performance and you can’t necessarily manipulate that in different ways. It is what it is. —Dave Grohl

24. I’ve said it before, me and Conor are very, very good friends, and he’s certaintly helped me get into the UFC, you know, it is what it is, it makes no difference. —Artem Lobov

25. I wish the music business was a much easier thing, but you know what? Nothing easy is worth anything. So it is what it is. There comes a time when things can work out and everybody can be happy. And that’s what it’s all about in the end – everybody being happy and working it out. —Nas

26. I take the good with the bad. I always wanted to be a comic, and part of that, for me, was that I wanted to be on the road. It’s a lonely existence, but it is what it is. —Erik Griffin

27. Marriage is a very difficult thing and sometimes everyone can be a bit stubborn; it is what it is. —John Torode

28. Of course, there are some things you keep personal and private because you’re a human being. But on the other side of it, I ain’t got time to be hiding nothing and all that. It is what it is. —Ne-Yo

29. To be honest, there are no problems between me and Messi. People have their own opinions about who they think is the better player. It is what it is, but there is no rivalry beyond games and what happens on the pitch.— Cristiano Ronaldo

Unpredictability means what it means. I don't know how you define it. It is what it is. —Michael Keaton

30. Unpredictability means what it means. I don’t know how you define it. It is what it is. —Michael Keaton

31. I have accepted the fact that I don’t work very quickly, that I have been rejected a lot as a writer, and that what I do is unusual, so I just have to accept the terms and that it’s going to take longer. It is what it is. —Min Jin Lee

32. Being someone who people want to photograph, you have to open yourself up to the positive and negative. It is what it is. —Jon Hamm

33. Supposedly, going to war initiates you into this gnostic priesthood of people who’ve had a liminal experience forever separating them from civilians. Except… you go there, and it is what it is. A form of human activity as varied as any other. —Phil Klay

34. People misinterpret my lyrics sometimes too, but I mean, it is what it is. —Roddy Ricch

35. Losing to a Hall of Famer, a legend, Manny Pacquiao, it is what it is. It was a great fight and the fans loved it. I lost a title but I gained respect with how I fought that night. —Keith Thurman

36. You know, I don’t think my music is important, I don’t think it’s changing the world, I don’t think it’s art. I just think it’s music. It is what it is. —Sufjan Stevens

37. I’m probably the least harsh on myself, and I try not to scrutinize everything about my body. As a new mom, it is what it is, and we just have to do our best. —Kourtney Kardashian

38. The Madden Curse has really taken on a life of its own. People just love talking about it, and it is what it is, but I look at it as a challenge. —Drew Brees

39. You either grow with this sport, or you get left behind. It’s sad, but it is what it is. You gotta keep up with this sport. —Max Holloway

I regret that I wasn't more successful with my marriages, but it is what it is. —Ted Turner

40. I regret that I wasn’t more successful with my marriages, but it is what it is. —Ted Turner

41. You got to keep your feet on the ground, and it is what it is. —Max Holloway

42. I just sit down and write the best song for the best moment, and however it comes out, it is what it is. —Brantley Gilbert

43. The work is done; it is what it is. You do the work, and you hope people like it, and if they don’t, don’t read it. I don’t read reviews. I don’t have social media, so I’ll stay away from that; it’s easy. —Mike Colter

44. Being perceived as a guy is nothing new or complicated to me. It is what it is. —Saskia de Brauw

45. My whole thing with the whole weight situation is – it is what it is. It’s never been my identity. —Katy Mixon

46. There’s no more film. Film is gone. We photograph digitally and electronically. We don’t really use film the same way anymore – it’s disappearing little by little. Things change. We have to change with them. There’s no point in liking or not liking it. It is what it is. —Stanley Donen

47. You know, there’s nothing you can do about your public image. It is what it is. I just try to do things honestly. I guess honesty is what you would call subjective: if you feel good about what you’re doing, yourself if you figure you’re doing the right thing. —Christopher Walken

48. You know, there’s nothing you can do about your public image. It is what it is. I just try to do things honestly. I guess honesty is what you would call subjective: if you feel good about what you’re doing, yourself if you figure you’re doing the right thing. —Christopher Walken

49. I never like it when a celebrity goes on Twitter and says, ‘This isn’t true!’ It is what it is; I tend not to do that. —Harry Styles

I never had a problem with my face on screen. I thought it is what it is, and I was turned off by actors and actresses that tried to keep themselves young. —Robert Redford

50. I never had a problem with my face on screen. I thought it is what it is, and I was turned off by actors and actresses that tried to keep themselves young. —Robert Redford

What is “it is what it is”?

“It is what it is” a strange phrase to some people but they don’t find the meaning of it. And some people even don’t understand the phrase. But this phrase is very strong and it has a very deep underlying meaning. “It is what it is” means that an individual has his own way of living and behaving.

We can understand this very well if we follow an example. A girl behaves like a girl that means she has gifted some special capability that a girl should have. On the other hand, a boy is gifted with some boyish features which means he is like a boy. This individual feature of every individual group or person is called it is what it is.


What “it is what it is” quotes teach us?

I already told you that it is what it is a very powerful and meaningful phrase but we have to understand it. Sometimes we don’t get the result we expected. Sometimes people don’t interact with us how we expect and sometimes we love our close person but don’t get expected love in return of that. All those things make us frustrated.

we can’t accept those things but we have to remember that everything has its own way of living and everything has its own way of behaving. We cannot control everything. So the result of every incident from every individual will not be the same. We may love people very much but people may not love us that way.

That’s why we have to be strong enough to accept the situation. Because the situation is what it is. This is the teaching of it is what it is quotes. Famous writers and thinkers try to give us this single instruction by their it is what it quotes. This teaching is very important for our life and to arrange our life in a decent way.


Finally, I can say that, if you are a trusted person and you are not satisfied with everything that  is happening with your life then you should follow it is what it is quotes. You should read and understand them and you should realize that everything will not be according to your expectation. It has its own individual and it follows that’s the rule.

Robert Albert RA
Robert Albert RAhttps://selfcarequotes.com
Hi, I'm RA, The Co-Founder of this blog. SelfCareQuotes(SCQ) is the biggest quotation site in the world. I love quotes and enjoy sharing the best ones with you.

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