HomeFeelings Quotes65 Top Popular Quotes about Hurt Feelings

65 Top Popular Quotes about Hurt Feelings

Among us, some people are mentally firm, while some are very emotional. They get hurt and distress easily. The expression of the dejection of different people is different. Some people can tolerate it, but some people cannot endure when they get hurt. After getting hurt, every people express their wounds. Their way of expression of the pain is different. 

If someone hurts us, we should not give back to them. We have to know our way of reducing and manage our pain. We find different hurt feelings quotes that are written with real experience. When we get hurt by our near ones, we may go through the quotes about hurt feelings.

Quotes about hurt feelings:

1. Quotes about hurt feelings

“That hurt feelings arise from the effective component of the sociometer, the psychological system that monitors the quality of our relationship with other people.” -Leary

2.“Honesty is the cruelest game of all, because not only can you hurt someone – and hurt them to the bone – you can feel self-righteous about it at the same time.” – Dave Van Ronk

3. “I love you. Is not enough to make up for the pain that never heals and starts again at the slightest word. -James Hilton

4. “I smile for all people, even if you have wronged me. I’m afraid that I will darken you with my corrupt words I hurt you more than you hurt me.-Yahi Abderraouf

5. “When someone tells you that you have done something that has hurt them, you don’t get to decide that you didn’t. -Karon Waddell

6. “We do not leave those whom we truly love. We only break the hearts of those whom we can tolerate their hurts and can move away from their pain.-Maha Klaid

7.“To be rejected by someone doesn’t mean you should also reject yourself or that you should think of yourself as a lesser person. It doesn’t mean that nobody will ever love you anymore. Remember that only ONE person has rejected you at the moment, and it only hurt so much because to you, that person’s opinion symbolized the opinion of the whole world, of God.-Jocelyn Soriano

8. “Love those who hurt you the most, because they are probably the ones closest to you. They, too, are on a path, and just like you, they are learning to walk before they can fly. Imagine of everybody you hurt in life turned their backs on you? You would be playing a hell of a lot of solitaire. Love them no matter what. -Nikki Sixx

9. “The pain started years ago, but I’d lived with it for so long at that point that I’d accepted it as an inevitable part of me. -Ashley D. Wallis

10.“That’s the funny thing about old hurts- they just wait for new heartache to come along and then show up, just as sharp and horrible as the first day you woke up with the world changed all around you. -Lilith Saintcrow

11. There are some hurts that you never completely get over. And you think that time will diminish their presence and to a degree it does but it still hurts because we

“There are some hurts that you never completely get over. And you think that time will diminish their presence and to a degree it does, but it still hurts because well, hurt hurts. -Bernajoy Vaal

12. “Sometimes the only logical thing to do when someone you love hurts you, is to disconnect, eject, proceed and Move on. -Rashida Rowe

13. “The worst feeling is not being lonely. It’s when someone makes you feel special, then suddenly leaves you and you have to pretend you don’t mind at all. -Nishan Panwar

14. “Feeling hurt or wounded is an everyday kind of experience. It happens in simple human interactions as often as in moments of relationship crisis. -Bogna Szymkiewicz

15. “I always find the worst lies are told in relationships – I learned to never lie about your happiness in order to save someone’s feelings from being hurt.-Kirsten Prout

16. hurting quotes on relationship

“When being in a relationship hurts you, leave. Don’t stay and keep drowning because love isn’t suppose to be painful.-Mielya Saladdin

17. “No one wants to be hurt or played, but you have to go through a few losers before you find someone worth keeping. -Sonya Parker

18. “A gentleman is one who never hurts anyone’s feelings unintentionally. -Oscar Wilde

19. “It hurts when people walk into your life and make you happy and then walk out and leave you hurting. -Adrian Rayshawn

20. “There is a sacredness in tears. They are not the mark of weakness, but of power. They speak more eloquently than ten thousand tongues. They are the messengers of overwhelming grief, of deep contrition, and of unspeakable love. -Washington Irving

21. “When you’re dreaming with a broken heart, the waking up is the hardest part. You roll outta bed and down on your knees and for a moment you can hardly breathe. -John Mayer

22.“Walking on rocks, hurts. Walking on glass, cuts. Walking on hot coals, burns. Walking on someone’s heart kills. -Francisco Garcia

23. Never allow someone to be your priority while allowing yourself to be their option. -Mark Twain

“Never allow someone to be your priority while allowing yourself to be their option. -Mark Twain

24. “If you want to forget something or someone, never hate it, or never hate him/her. Everything and everyone that you hate is engraved upon your heart; if you want to let go of something, if you want to forget, you cannot hate. -C. JoyBell C.

25. “The emotion that can break your heart is sometimes the very one that heals it. -Nicholas Sparks

26. “I have lost and loved and won and cried myself to the person I am today. -Charlotte Eriksson

27. “My mind screams ‘let go!’ but my heart doesn’t want to admit defeat and let these feeling show..-Nicole Hill

28. “I pay no attention whatever to anybody’s praise or blame. I simply follow my own feelings. -Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

29. “Sometimes you can be touched by God, but not healed. Often when this happens, he is using your pain for a greater purpose. -Shannon L. Alder

30. “This is not Tolstoy. I don’t want to know what critics and professors think of what I’m writing. It might hurt my feelings. -Lisa Kleypas

31. “For He does not enjoy hurting people or causing them sorrow..-Lamentations

32. “But if I speak, my pain is not relieved, and if I refrain from speaking- how much of it goes away? -JOB

33. Do not let your hearts be troubled. -John

34. “Hurt no living thing: Ladybird, nor butterfly, Nor moth with dusty wing, -Christina Georgina Rossetti

35. “We must resist the temptation to take refuge in hurt feelings and raging resentment as we grapple with how our children live, or choose to leave us, or even how we handle our recognition of their betrayals and disaffections. -Michael Eric Dyson

36. “The ability to forgive heals old wounds and liberates us from past burdens. By releasing the emotional debts of others, forgiveness clears the way for love, peace, and understanding to enter into our lives. It enables us to transcend negative feelings of hurt and vengeance that hold us back and prevent us from focusing on our real purpose. -Roderick Terry

37. Love means exposing yourself to the pains of being hurt, deeply hurt by someone you trust. -Nikki Giovanni

“Love means exposing yourself to the pains of being hurt, deeply hurt by someone you trust. -Nikki Giovanni

38. “If you know what hurts yourself you know what hurts others. -Malagasy Wisdom

39. “It is always important to be honest and straightforward about emotions. Even if it might hurt feelings. Say it with love, do not be callous, but be honest so that no further missteps can occur, as well as providing an opportunity of choice. -Jonathan Levy

40. “Sometimes Yahweh allows our feelings to be hurt, to ensure that our purpose is birthed, that we understood our worth and we get back to work. -Rae Holliday

41. “It doesn’t hurt my feelings when I get vilified by fundamentalist. I’ve actually made comedy out of it. I’ve made light of that. -Richard Dawkins

42. “The turning point in the process of growing up is when you discover the core strength within you that survives all the hurt. -Max Lerner

43. “Too many of us stay walled in because we are afraid of being hurt. We are afraid to care too much; for fear that the other person does not care as much or not at all. -Eleanor Roosevelt

44. “Life’s way of reacting to a crushed heart is to wrap tough sinews of flesh around it and promise we’ll never let ourselves get hurt again. But in keeping love from going out, we keep love from coming in. We risk becoming captives in our own self-made fortresses. -Beth Moore

45. I have found the paradox that if I love until it hurts, then there is no hurt, but only more love. -Mother Teresa“I have found the paradox that if I love until it hurts, then there is no hurt, but only more love. -Mother Teresa

46. “Love deeply and passionately. You might get hurt, but it’s the only way to live life completely. -H.Jackson Brown JR.

47. “Everyone has hurt feelings sometimes, and people do different things to feel better. Sometimes talking to a trusted friend is helpful, or we might share our feelings with a teacher or parent. It also helps when we make an extra effort to be sure we don’t hurt the feelings of others. -Molly Bang

48. “We are slow to believe that which if believed would hurt our feelings. -Louis Nizer

49. “Our feelings are hurt when someone attacks or ignores our inner reality. -Bogna Szymkiewicz

50. “It seems that the root of a hurt feeling lies in the idea that the other person has not noticed some important aspect of our existence or has excluded us from an important relationship or group. -Bogna Szymkiewicz

51. “That’s the funny thing about old hurts- they just wait for new heartache to come along and then show up, just as sharp and horrible as the first day you woke up with the world changed all around you. -Lilith Saintcrow

52. When you have been hurt, it is natural to want to cry. Your sadness may seem so big, and worried feelings so great, that you think things will never get better. -Wendy Deaton M.A.

53. It hurts to breathe. My heart is not broken, it is shattered. One moment you were the cause of my happiness, now you are the cause of the deepest pain I have ever felt. -Jasmine Macias

54. You will never know the power of yourself until someone hurts you badly

“You will never know the power of yourself until someone hurts you badly.”-Unknown 

55. “I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love.” – Mother Teresa

56. “I have never been hurt by what I have not said.” – Calvin Coolidge

57. “Words can hurt you. In the larger world, it frames how people think about you, and it can hurt you in lots of little, subtle ways.” – Nathan Myhrvold

58. With love, you should go ahead and take the risk of getting hurt because love is an amazing feeling.” – Britney Spears

59. “I have made terrible mistakes that have hurt the people that I cared about the most, and I am terribly sorry. I am deeply ashamed of my terrible judgment and my actions.” – Anthony Weiner

60. “I really believe I’ve been a good person. Not perfect – forget about perfect – but just learning by what I was taught and living by my own values. I might have stepped on a few ants – and a few other things as well – but I’ve never hurt anybody.” – Kiri Te Kanawa

61. “We are more often frightened than hurt; and we suffer more from imagination than from reality.” – Lucius Annaeus Seneca

62. It’s a lot easier to be angry at someone than it is to tell them you’re hurt.

“It’s a lot easier to be angry at someone than it is to tell them you’re hurt.” -Tom Gates

63. You may be hurt if you love too much, but you will live in misery if you love too little.-Napoleon Hill

64.Truth is everybody is going to hurt you: you just gotta find the ones worth suffering for.-Bob Marley

65. There were things I wanted to tell him. But I knew they would hurt him. So I buried them, and let them hurt me." -Jonathan Safran Foer“There were things I wanted to tell him. But I knew they would hurt him. So I buried them, and let them hurt me.” -Jonathan Safran Foer

Different ways to express the pain:

The nature of people is different from each other. So, their ways of expression of their wound are different. Some of the methods are violent, while some of them are calm and modest. We’ll find many people who outburst with anger after getting hurt. Simultaneously, some people hide their pain and remain silent when they get hurt by anyone. They even don’t make them realize that they are broken. 

The first type of people and the second type of people are binary examples. Some people don’t get violent on them, but they express their pain by crying or by verbal acceptance. The majority of us belong to this intermediary category. Most of the people don’t get violent also don’t remain silent. However, the quotes about hurt and pain can reduce the pain of all of these three categories.

How to control our pain after getting hurt?

The hurt feeling quotes, sayings, or the excerpts can reduce our pain of mind with its soothing elements. When we read the sad, hurt quotes, we may get the condolence from the writer. We’ll see that we are not the only person suffering from pain; instead, many people are in pain. By reading the quotes, one kind of acceptance will grow within us. The approval will increase our patience, and then we can control our feelings. When we learn to control our pain, the intensification of our wound will lessen.

How to control the pain of the relationship? 

Every relationship faces both good and bad situations. Sometimes our close persons hurt us intentionally or unintentionally. It frequently happens in the affairs or the relationship. The love relationship is sensitive. If any person hurts his lover or beloved, it has a significant impact on that person. Generally, people are hurt more if the pain comes from his near ones. If your loving person injures you, you may read the quotes about hurt feelings. 

The quotes have positive effects on the mind. It helps to calm down your wound. If you go through the feeling hurt quotes, relationship quotes, and love quotes, you’ll learn to create a balance between your emotions and pain. If your lover doesn’t realize that you are hurt, you may send hurt quotes for him. You can also send him quotes for person who hurt you

What should you do when you hurt someone?

We should be cautious about our conduct and behavior with people. We have to behave in a manner that our action doesn’t hurt anybody. Despite our awareness of that fact, we may hurt people unintentionally, whether it is intentionally or unintentionally if we have to acknowledge our mistake. 

We reconcile modestly with the person we have hurt. When you hurt someone unintentionally, quotes and sayings are a suitable medium of reconciliation. You may send the person sweet quotes acknowledging your fault. When you feel sorry for your mistake, the person may overcome his pain. 


Robert Albert RA
Robert Albert RAhttps://selfcarequotes.com
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