HomeInspirational QuotesTop Popular 50 Soda Quotes

Top Popular 50 Soda Quotes

We know about Soda’s increasing popularity. But if we look over the Soda quotes, we’ll find that it was popular from the beginning. You may notice the indication of Soda quotes in the writings of famous poets.

The excerpts also represent the sweet memories and experiences of the people. Many people have shared their experiences about the soda drink.

If you look over the soda quotes, you may notice the peoples’ emotions and attachment to this drink. In most of the quotations, the user remembers their sweet memories about this drink.

The soda quotes also bear the precautions of it. However, the soda quotes express the necessary information about it and the valuable experience of the customers.

Top 50 Soda Quotes :

1. I didn’t really give them any more than one choice, soda or no soda. They didn’t… whereas we put a lot of stock in the differences between soda. ―Sheena Iyengar

Soda Quotes

2. If you’re looking for a place with no change, try a soda machine.―Max Lucado

2. Life’s like a mayonnaise soda. ―Lou Reed

3. Let us have wine and women, mirth and laughter, sermons and soda water the day after.―Lord Byron

4. So in our pride we ordered for breakfast an omelet, toast and coffee and what has just arrived is a tomato salad with onions, a dish of pickles, a big slice of watermelon and two bottles of cream soda. ―John Steinbeck

5. I ordered a soda – caffeine-free, low sodium, no artificial flavors. They brought me a glass of water.
―Robert E. Murray

6. I needed another soda. I’d only had six since breakfast. ―Meg Cabot

7. When I was a kid, I was at a bowling alley and I ran into a soda machine. I still have the scar on my right eyebrow obviously.―Luke Perry

8. Sure, you can mix the flour, baking soda, salt, shortening, and the whole nine yards, but why wouldn’t you just pull out a box of Bisquick? ―Sandra Lee

9. I put out a good 10 different types of drinks for them and they just said, “Oh, okay, so it’s just one choice.” One choice? I gave you Coke, Pepsi, Ginger Ale, Sprite. They saw that as one choice. Now why was that one choice? Because they felt, well, it was just all soda. ―Sheena Iyengar

10. Twenty years ago, teenage boys in the United States drank twice as much milk as soda; now they drink twice as much soda as milk. ―Eric Schlosser

11. I want a president who can handle a cream soda. ―Al Franken

12. He spilled my diet soda! ―CM Punk

13. I don’t really drink sodas, but when I have popcorn or pizza I need a little. It’s the perfect combination.
―Alessandra Ambrosio

I do not really drink sodas but when I have popcorn or pizza I need a little. It is the perfect combination. ―Alessandra Ambrosio

14. Our kids didn’t do this to themselves. They don’t decide the sugar content in soda or the advertising content of a television show.

Kids don’t choose what’s served to them for lunch at school, and shouldn’t be deciding what’s served to them for dinner at home.

And they don’t decide whether there’s time in the day or room in the budget to learn about healthy eating or to spend time playing outside. ―Michelle Obama

15. The seriousness of my situation started to sink in, and again I fought panic. I pushed it down, but it was harder this time, like my insides were an open can of shaken soda and I was trying to keep it from bubbling up out of the top. ―Abby Sunderland

16. Making a movie and not directing the little moments is like drinking a soda and leaving the little slurp puddle for someone else. ―Steven Spielberg

Soda is a popular drink which is made with sodium bicarbonate. It is also called carbonated water. Soda is a healthy drink so it is becoming popular day by day.

It is a refreshing drink so it can refresh you from your tiredness. If you take this drink, you may avoid any types of sugary soft drink. Like the soda drink, soda quotes are also very refreshing and fascinating.

There are different types of soda quotes. If you go through the quotations, you may assume the popularity of this drink.

17. A lot of people in this country are obese because of a form of malnutrition. One thing I’d like to do is to help people understand the correlation between a steady diet of empty calories – though you may not experience hunger pangs,

you can’t really function well if all you’re eating are things like ramen noodles, or chips, cookies, and sodas, things that are quite typically inexpensive and affordable because of the way we subsidize the ingredients that go into them. ―Lori Silverbush

18. If you don’t eat right as an athlete, you’ll get tired and won’t be as sharp. It’s simple to drink sodas and sports drinks, but water is the most essential drink to put in your body. ―Troy Polamalu

19. The technology is just so far gone. It’s just like back in the day you needed a suitcase just to have a cell phone. The battery was so heavy, it was like carrying a gallon of soda around with you all day. ―Jam Master Jay

20. What we want is social harmony, even as we live in a world where any idea about the real thing is as likely to evoke the ancient memory of an advertisement for a soda pop as anything solid or necessary. ―Douglas Lain

Top 50 soda quotes

21. Not being able to fully understand God is frustrating but it is ridiculous for us to think we have the right to limit God to something we are capable of comprehending.

What a stunted, insignificant god that would be! If my mind is the size of a soda can and God is the size of all the oceans,

it would be stupid for me to say He is only the small amount of water I can scoop into my little can. God is so much bigger, so far beyond our time-encased, air/food/sleep-dependent lives. ―Francis Chan

22. The combination of popcorn, soda, and melted chocolate which covers the floors of movie theaters.
―Rich Hall

23. all my bounce has gone flat, like soda with the top left off. ―Charlaine Harris

24. It’s one thing if everyone wears the same shoes or drinks the same soda. But the world of literature is the last place in which globalization should mean homogeneity. ―Benjamin Moser

25. Another advantage of avoiding sodas is that you will avoid the caffeine that is in many of them. Caffeine is a weak diuretic that causes calcium loss via the kidneys. ―Neal Barnard

26. There’s a real strong link today between soda consumption and obesity among children. ―Eric Schlosser

27. You know that everyone thinks that in order to do South Park we must be wild, crazy, rock and roll stars. But the truth is we’re just wholesome middle-American guys. We enjoy soda pop, baseball and beating up old people just as much as anybody. ―Trey Parker

28. I’m not on a diet. And it’s funny cause people go ‘Well, then why do you drink diet soda?’ So I can eat regular cake. ―Gabriel Iglesias

29. That was the best ice-cream soda I ever tasted. ―Lou Costello

That was the best ice cream soda I ever tasted. ―Lou Costello

30. A large percentage of those living in developed societies are told what brand of soda they should drink, what cigarettes they should smoke, what clothes and shoes they should wear, what they should eat and what brand of food they should buy. Their political ideas are supplied in the same way. Every year a trillion dollars is spent on advertising. ―Fidel Castro

31. You cannot expect your children to be happy eating esoteric beige-colored foods when their friends get soda pop, Snickers, and Twinkies. ―Jane Fonda

32. There’s been a growing effort to kick soda out of the schools. And governors as different as Arnold Schwarzenegger in California and Mike Huckabee in Arkansas have worked hard to get soda and junk food out of their state schools, which is good. ―Eric Schlosser

33. Well, when I was a kid and I watched Speed Racer, I used to always watch it in the morning with my cereal. And when I ate the cereal, I would pour soda into the cereal because we never really had milk for some reason. I don’t know. ―Emile Hirsch

35. And the small ripple spilt upon the beach Scarcely o’erpass’d the cream of your champagne, When o’er the brim the sparkling bumpers reach, That spring-dew of the spirit! the heart’s rain! Few things surpass old wine; and they may preach Who please,—the more because they preach in vain,— Let us have wine and women, mirth and laughter, Sermons and soda-water the day after. ―Lord Byron

36. Well I took her over to a soda fountain over on Bo’s She had an Ice Cream Sundae and a hot cup of Jo She leaned way back just to straighten up her hose Well the ice cream melted and the coffee froze. ―Gene Vincent

37. The consumption of alcohol is increasing among youth. Targeting young audiences, advertisers portray beer and wine as joyful, socially desirable, and harmless. Producers are promoting new types of alcoholic beverages as competitors in the huge soft-drink market.

Grocery and convenience stores and gas stations stock alcoholic beverages side by side with soda pop. Can Christians who are involved in this commerce be indifferent to the physical and moral effects of the alcohol from which they are making their profits? ―Dallin H. Oaks

38. Koolaid is goyish. All Drake’s Cakes are goyish. Pumpernickel is Jewish, and, as you know, white bread is very goyish. Instant potatoes – goyish. Black cherry soda’s very Jewish. Macaroons are very Jewish – very Jewish cake. Fruit salad is Jewish. Lime Jell-O is goyish. Lime soda is very goyish. Trailer parks are so goyish that Jews won’t go near them. ―Lenny Bruce

39. John, what are you doing? John, my diet soda. What are you doing? ―CM Punk

40. I’ve picked up a great appetite for pastrami on rye and a nice cream soda. It is fantastic. So I have to be careful or I’m going to just get really fat. ―Vincent Piazza

soda quotes-drinks quotes

41. I have learned that the cost of everything from a royal suite to a bottle of soda water can be halved by the simple expedient of saying it must be halved. ―Robert Byron

42. Every city, every town, every region in USA has these weird things – the way they pronounce words, or what they call soda, or how people drive.

It’s a huge country, and there’s all these strange pockets of behavioral patterns that social anthropologists could spend lifetimes researching and reporting on. ―Michael Schur

43. Herman Cain said, starting today, if you buy into his 9-9-9 plan, he’ll throw in a free 32-ounce soda.
―David Letterman

44. ny parents that want to feed their kids soda, but high-fructose corn syrup is cheap. The price of soda in 20 years has gone down 40 percent while the price of whole foods, fruits and vegetables, has gone up 40 percent and obesity goes up right along that curve. ―Tom Colicchio

45. We always worry that we are copying someone else, that we don’t have our own style. Don’t worry. Writing is a communal act. Contrary to popular belief, a writer is not Prometheus alone on a hill full of fire.

We are very arrogant to think we alone have a totally original mind. We are carried on the backs of all the writers who came before us.

We live in the present with all the history, ideas, and soda pop of this time. It all gets mixed up in our writing. ―Natalie Goldberg

46. The man who invented Eskimo Pie made a million dollars, so one is told, but E.E. Cummings, whose verse has been appearing off andon for three years now, and whose experiments should not be more appalling to those interested in poetry than the experiment of surrounding ice-cream with a layer of chocolate was to those interested in soda fountains, has hardly made a dent in the doughy minds of our so-called poetry lovers.
―John Dos Passos

47. The rates of soda consumption in our poorest communities cannot be explained by individual consumer preferences alone, but rather are linked to broader issues of access and affordability of healthy foods in low-income neighborhoods, and to the marketing efforts of soda companies themselves. ―Geoffrey Canada

48. No pork, soda pop, cigarettes, alcohol – ever! ―Muhammad Ali

49. I began by tinkering around with some old tunes I knew. Then, just to try something different, I set to putting some music to the rhythm that I used in jerking ice-cream sodas at the Poodle Dog. I fooled around with the tune more and more until at last, lo and behold, I had completed my first piece of finished music. ―Duke Ellington

50. Oh! kangaroos, sequins, chocolate sodas! / You really are beautiful! Pearls, / harmonicas, jujubes, aspirins!
―Frank O’Hara

soda quotes-refreshing drink quotes

Aside from some extra fiber, eating two slices of whole wheat bread is really little different, and often worse, than drinking a can of sugar-sweetened soda or eating a sugary candy bar. ―William Davis

Robert Albert RA
Robert Albert RAhttps://selfcarequotes.com
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