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Most Popular John Wilkes Booth Quotes

John Wilkes Booth Quotes:


Tell mother, tell mother, I died for my country... useless... useless.
Tell mother, tell mother, I died for my country… useless… useless.

Tell mother, tell mother, I died for my country… useless… useless.


I have too great a soul to die like a criminal.
I have too great a soul to die like a criminal.

I have too great a soul to die like a criminal.


john wilkes booth quotes
John Wilkes booth quotes

I do not wish to shed a drop of blood, but ‘I must fight the course.’ Tis all that’s left to me.

Who was John Wilkes Booth?


People remind the people who are either famous for their excellent work or infamous for their notorious work.

John Wilkes Booth is an American stage actor. But he is not remembered for his excellence in acting.

All the people of the world know him as the murderer of the then American President Abraham Lincoln. John Wilkes Booth killed this great President brutally at Ford’s Theatre in Washington, D.C.

John Wilkes Booth came from a theatrical family and established himself as a prominent actor. His one crime is enough to cover up all his achievements and the positive side.

He did not consider the murder of President Abraham Lincoln as the crime. Instead, he considered murder as a duty that he had to fulfill. We can find his feelings towards his sense of duty in ‘John Wilkes Booth quotes’.

1. Tell mother, tell mother, I died for my country… useless… useless.

2. I have too great a soul to die like a criminal.

3. I do not wish to shed a drop of blood, but ‘I must fight the course.’ Tis all that’s left to me.

Why should we follow him?

A person possesses both positive and negative qualities. We all know John Wilkes Booth as the assassinator of the President.

Of course, we should keep aloof ourselves from all kinds of crime and violence. We should also hate all kinds of crimes from our hearts.

Except for the last crime, his life was glorious. If we go through his life history, we’ll find him a dedicated and hardworking actor.

He was acclaimed among the critics and his audiences. He has shot accidentally during his performance. But he never gave up hope. We may follow his dedication towards his work.

Biography of John Wilkes Booth:

Early Life:

John Wilkes Booth was born in 1938 in Maryland. We have already mentioned that John Wilkes Booth has a theatrical family lineage.

The name of his father is Junius Brutus Booth, who was a renowned Shakespearean actor. John Wilkes Booth’s mother’s name is Mary Ann Holmes.

He is the illegitimate son of Junius and Mary. John Wilkes Booth had ten siblings.

Childhood Intelligence and Education:

John Wilkes Booth was well-known from his early life for his different skills. From his childhood, he was good at fencing and horsemanship. John Wilkes Booth had admitted into Bel-Air Academy.

He was not attentive to his studies. Later, Booth was admitted into Quaker-run Milton Boarding School. After that, he joined the Episcopal Military Academy. After the death of his father, he left his school.

Early Career:

John Wilkes Booth started his career at the age of seventeen in the Charles Street Theatre. After that, he worked in the Holliday Street Theater.

He also worked in a Stock Company of Arch Street Theatre. John Wilkes Booth became a Stock Company actor. He was very popular among his audiences.

He was also praised among the critics. The critics called him the ‘natural genius’ and the ‘most handsome man in America. His contemporary actors termed his acting as ‘acrobatic.’

Later Career:

John Wilkes Booth also worked in the Boston Museum in HamletThe StrangerThe RobbersThe Apostate, etc. In Ford’s Theater, President Abraham Lincoln watched his performance. He also engaged himself in the business.

The assassination of Abraham Lincoln:

Booth was a supporter of the institution of slavery and the South. He declared his hatred for Abraham Lincoln.

He was arrested for his speech about the President. John Wilkes Booth thought the President was responsible for the war and the problems of the South.

He was angry at President Abraham Lincoln when he was re-elected as the President. This rage and hatred made him kill the President.

John Wilkes Booth shot the President from back in 1865. After one day, President Abraham Lincoln had died. John Wilkes Booth also died in 1865.

Robert Albert RA
Robert Albert RAhttps://selfcarequotes.com
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