HomeQuotes About LifeBest 50 Favoritism Quotes And Sayings

Best 50 Favoritism Quotes And Sayings

Favoritism is the act of showing partiality to one individual over another. This usually happens when people hold positions of power, such as parents with children, managers with employees, or coaches with players.

When it comes to judging others, you need to be very careful. People often misunderstand things, or accusations are exaggerated to make the other person look bad.

It is easy for people to think that their opinion of someone is superior because they feel like they know them better than anyone else. This type of thinking can lead to favoritism, The quotes and sayings that follow are some of the most well known quotes about favoritism.

Best 50 Favoritism Quotes And Sayings

1. “No drug or amount of money or favoritism can ever give you believe in yourself” – Ronda Rousey

2. “Fate has her golden sons and her bastards” – Jennifer Mardoll

3. “We have the incredible privilege of serving in the highest offices in the state. We must prove ourselves worthy of our fellow citizens’ faith. We must be trusted to always place the public’s good above our own and to always choose fairness over favoritism” – Jodi Rell

4. “Favoritism’ is always a factor, and pressure always build for the appointment of friends of influential supporters of the President, or for the nominees of powerful Member of Congress from the incoming President’s party” – Richard V. Allen

5. “There are many thoughts that make me happy, but You are my favorite” – Unknown

6. “I don’t want to be your favorite or your best. I want to be your only and forget the rest” – Chenier Bennett

7. “The only way I can keep clear of force is by justice. Far from being willing to execute his enemies, a real king must be willing to execute his friends” – T.H. White

8. “I’d love to have the kind of friend who would visit me before visiting a man. Otherwise I know where I’m ranked, which is below him” – Donna Lynn Hope

9. “Karma is the universal law of cause and effect. You reap what you sow. You get what you earn… If you give love, you get love. Revenge returns itself upon the avenger. What goes around comes around… Karma is justice. It does not reward or punish. It shows no favoritism because we have to earn all that we receive. Karma doesn’t predestine anyone or anything. We create our own causes, and karma adjusts the effects with perfect balance” – Mary T Browne

10. “Favoritism manifests itself in all departments of government, public and private. It is harder to avoid because it is so natural” – Thomas Chandler Haliburton

11. “I don’t buy trust nor favoritism” – Unknown

12. “It looks perverted and wasteful to us, but then one thing that empires are not about is the efficient use of resources and the spread of happiness; both are typically accomplished despite the economic short-circuiting – corruption and favoritism, mostly- endemic to the system” – Iain Banks

 Favoritism Quotes images

13. “From secrecy and deception in high places, come home, America. From military spending so wasteful that it weakens our nation, come home, America” – George McGovern

14. “We don’t want insurance companies becoming monopolies looking for favoritism in a cronyistic way in Washington. We want health insurers, hospitals, doctors, all providers of health care benefits competing against each other for our business as consumers” – Paul Ryan

15. “In order to not show blatant favoritism, I must take into consideration individual needs and do my best to treat everyone the right way. This means NOT treating everyone the same way. But then, won’t I appear to be playing favorites to some outside observers” – Robert Whipple

16. “Fortune converts everything to the advantage of her favorites” – François De La Rochefoucauld

17. “Some of the old refs have favoritism toward some of the fighters that are currently fighting. There should be a changing of the guard with the refs, the same way there are with fighters” – Roberto Duran

18. “Affirmative action was designed originally for “women and other minorities” but the phrase has become just another tortured euphemism. Female conscientiousness and eagerness to please have always made women good students and natural test-takers. Jews have gloried in scholarship throughout the ages, and Asians of both sexes score so high on SATs and IQ tests that they regard affirmative action as an impediment. Affirmative action really means favoritism for blacks for the sake of racial peace, but the favor is a pure chimera, and so, increasingly, is the peace” – Florence King

19. “My hope is that digital technology will level things out more and that it will eventually eliminate favoritism. But technology cannot do it alone. The audience has to become more discriminating as well and not buy into every big tentpole movie because they have been brainwashed into thinking that’s the movie to see” – Lexi Alexander

20. “Just as modern mass production requires the standardization of commodities, so the social process requires standardization of man, and this standardization is called equality” – Erich Fromm

21. “If I treat everyone the same way, I am for sure being biased because each individual is unique” – Robert Whipple

22. “All experience teaches that, whenever there is a great national establishment, employing large numbers of officials, the public must be reconciled to support many incompetent men; for such is the favoritism and nepotism always prevailing in the purlieus of these establishments, that some incompetent persons are always admitted, to the exclusion of many of the worthy” – Herman Melville

23. “Leaders who practice favoritism in the workplace have no chance to build a culture of trust” – Robert Whipple

24. “The Obama administration’s agenda of maximizing dependency involves political favoritism cloaked in the raiment of “economic planning” and “social justice” that somehow produce results superior to what markets produce when freedom allows merit to manifest itself, and incompetence to fail. The administration’s central activity – the political allocation of wealth and opportunity – is not merely susceptible to corruption, it is corruption” – George Will

25. “Playing favorites is one of the most damaging problems in any group of people” – Robert Whipple

26. “For me to get an award from the press, I know there’s been no favoritism” – Bobby Knight

27. “What you sow, you reap. It’s a law of nature. Network Marketing is perfectly aligned with that. You get truly, EXACTLY what you’re worth! No nepotism, no favoritism. That’s rare today” – Bob Proctor

28. “In many fields of the administration of interventionist measures, favoritism simply cannot be avoided” – Ludwig von Mises

29.“Any day spent with you is my favorite day. So today is my new favorite day” – A. A. Milne

 quotes about favoritism at work

30. “I am a great foe of favoritism in public life, in private life, and even in the delicate relationship of an author to his works” – Joseph Conrad

31. “If parasitism, favoritism, corruption, and greed for the unearned did not exist, a mixed economy would bring them into existence” – Ayn Rand

32. “Nepotism is alive and well in the Republican Party” – Steven Magee

33. “Let a woman’s claim be as broad in the concrete as the abstract. We take our stand on the solidarity of humanity, the oneness of life, and the unnaturalness and injustice of all special favoritism, whether of sex, race, country, or condition. If one link of the chain is broken, the chain is broken” – Anna Julia Cooper

34. “Protectionism, socialism, all varieties of state favoritism and restrictions on competition, and the growth of bureaucracy and jobbery were the means by which special interests sought to exploit the public, the great mass of consumers and taxpayers” – Ralph Raico

35. “God does not show favoritism” – Unknown

36. “The system happens to be Washington and the way politics works because whatever it is, it isn’t working. It defies common sense. And part and parcel of this, right in the middle of it is the media and their lying and their distorting and their favoritism and their efforts to impugn and destroy people like us who want to stop this mess that’s been progressing in a deteriorating way for way too many years” – Rush Limbaugh

37. “Secondly, as a result of this political favoritism, the FDA has become a primary factor in that formula whereby cartel-oriented companies in the food and drug industry are able to use the police powers of government to harass or destroy their free-market competitors” – G. Edward Griffin

38. “Indeed, bribery, favoritism, and corruption in a great variety of forms were rampant not only in politics but in all levels of society” – Unknown

39. “From secrecy and deception in high places; come home, America. From military spending so wasteful that it weakens our nation; come home, America. From the entrenchment of special privileges in tax favoritism; from the waste of idle lands to the joy of useful labor; from the prejudice based on race and sex; from the loneliness of the aging poor and the despair of the neglected sick – come home, America” – George McGovern

40. “Punishing enemies and rewarding friends – politics Chicago style – seems to be the unifying principle that helps explain the Obamacare waivers, the NLRB action against Boeing and IRS’s gift tax assault on 501(c)(4) donors. They look like examples of crony capitalism, bailout favoritism, and gangster government. One thing they don’t look like is the rule of law” – Michael Barone

41. “Believers if opting to practice Favoritism will fail miserably to build a relationship of Mutual Trust & True Respect for themselves” – Santosh Thankachan

42. “Some people would regard people who look like they do as ugly if they did not look like them” – Mokokoma Mokhonoana

favoritism hurts quotes

43. “Everyone has their favorite criminals. Mine are pimps. We can all rob a bank; we can all sell drugs. Being a pimp is a whole other thing” – Chris Rock

44. “I absolutely believe that those who come here illegally should not be given favoritism or a special route to becoming permanent residents or citizens that’s not given to those people who have stayed in line legally. I just think we have to follow the law, I think that’s the right course” – Mitt Romney

45. “If we treated everyone we meet with the same affection we bestow upon our favorite cat, they, too, would purr” – Martin Delany

46. “To say grace, knowing that people on this globe are starving, indicates a highly selfish acquiescence in the arrogantly supposed favoritism of the almighty. A really decent god-believer, far from giving thanks for the food and good health and fortune enjoyed by himself and his family and close friends, would surely curse God for his neglect of the hungry, the sick and the tormented, throughout the world” – Barbara Smoker

47. “It is horrifyingly obvious now that getting more attention isn’t necessarily favoritism” – N K Jemisin

48. “Savages cling to a local god of one tribe or town. The broad ethics of Jesus were quickly narrowed to village theologies, which preach an election or favoritism” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

49. “I seem to have a knack for picking movies that go on to be cult favorites” – Kurt Russell

family favoritism quotes

50. “Privileged groups work for greater power consolidation through favoritism” – Bryant McGill

Finally, favoritism quotes are important in understanding the history of our society. In order to change the landscape, we need to educate ourselves and others about the subject and address these issues with family members, peers, and strangers.

Educate yourself on how favoritism can affect you by reading quotes that relate to the problem.

Melissa J. Queen
Melissa J. Queenhttps://selfcarequotes.com/
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